P-Shot for Peyronies Disease
What is P-Shot or Priapus Shot?
Priapus shot procedure for men is very popular since it uses patient’s very own plasma called as platelet-rich plasma which is enriched in growth factors and cytokines which helps with regenerating the tissue by stimulating the stem cells and is Performed By Our Board Certified Physician Dr. Shanthala.
Who can benefit from P-Shot?
The “P-Shot” is known to help conditions such as erectile dysfunctions, Peyronie’s disease, and enhancing the sensory stimulation by improving the blood circulation.
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How do you perform the P-Shot procedure?
This is a simple in-office procedure with no downtime and does not involve major side effects. This sounds very crazy but the PRP has been used for many years for many other conditions. Vampire facial, Vampire Facelift and O-Shot procedures have the same principles of using enriched platelet Rich plasma from your own body to heal and enhance the younger version of you.
To Learn More About This Procedure Click Here.
Dr. Shanthala Shivananjappa MD
Dr. Shanthala is a board-certified, Harvard trained anesthesiologist, assistant professor at Yale University, and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital prior to opening her cosmetic medicine clinic. Her extensive experience working with plastic surgical patients in the operating room for more than 25 years, paired with years of training in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, has enabled Dr. Shanthala to have a unique perspective on Anti-aging treatments.