O-Shot® for Women

What is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® or “Orgasm- Shot” for women, is a vaginal rejuvenation treatment, by using PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) derived from your own blood.

The PRP of O-Shot is based on regenerative medicine uses your own body’s healing capacity. The O-Shot helps women who have dryness of vagina, reduced urinary incontinence, and is an excellent treatment for Lichen Sclerosis. The procedure is performed by our physician Dr. Shanthala

How does the O-Shot® treatment work?

Platelet Rich Plasma which is derived from your own blood. It induces neo-collagenesis and angiogenesis and hence relies on your body’s own naturally regenerative nature.

The process involves drawing a small amount of blood into a tube from your arm. Then place the tube into a high-powered, centrifuge system, the blood is then spun; results in highly concentrated plasma with platelets.

These platelets are activated with calcium chloride to release several different potent growth factors. Most important ones are VGEF, PDGFs, IGF-1, TGF-b, bFGF and much more. These growth factors upregulate the cytokines to promote the healing and regeneration of the body’s tissue.

The activated platelets are injected into the anterior wall of the vagina and the clitoris. Once these cells begin to heal themselves, and new, fresh cells are created, any previous damage to the patient’s intimate area is healed.

Is the O-Shot® a painful procedure?

The answer is NO. We use a numbing cream and ice before the procedure is performed. O-Shot is performed in our office by DR. Shanthala and takes only 30 mins
  • Relatively Non-Invasive, Does Not Require Any Surgical Correction.
  • Quick, Easy Procedure With Results Lasting Up To 2 Years.

Can urinary incontinence be improved by the O-Shot®?

Urinary Incontinence is a huge, often embarrassing, issue for many women. Using the O-Shot procedure, we are able to combat the sudden urge to urinate, by repairing the walls and lubricating the intimate areas. Majority of the women suffering from stress urinary incontinence have experienced positive results using the O-Shot. Generally, Urinary Incontinence requires surgical correction, however, surgery should always be a last resort. Before making the leap to “go under the knife”, give the O-Shot a try.

Benefits of the O-Shot®?

  • Ber Orgasm In Women.
  • Improved Sensitivity And Sexual Drive.
  • Increases Lubrication.
  • Decreases Urinary Incontinence

Improved sexual health!

The goal of the O-Shot is to create younger, more sensitive cells in and around the intimate areas. These new cells are more easily stimulated and respond better to all types of sexual stimulus. Women everywhere have experienced amazing results with the O-Shot. Some women who have had extreme difficulty reaching orgasm in the past, now have a healthy, stimulating sex life, that was almost impossible before the procedure.

The results take a few months to reach their peak, as the new stem cells are continuously regenerating, but results from this procedure can last more than a year without reapplication of PRP. If you’re experiencing sexual dysfunction and an inability to achieve orgasm, Contact with Dr. Shanthala to see if the O-Shot is right for you, today!

Dr. Shanthala’s own O-Shot® testimonial!

Dr. Shanthala Shivananjappa MD

Dr. Shanthala is a board-certified, Harvard trained anesthesiologist, assistant professor at Yale University, and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital prior to opening her cosmetic medicine clinic. Her extensive experience working with plastic surgical patients in the operating room for more than 25 years, paired with years of training in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, has enabled Dr. Shanthala to have a unique perspective on Anti-aging treatments.

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