
What is Belotero®?

Belotero® is a dermal filler that restores elasticity and volume to the skin around the face. It is most often used to help treat lines around the nose and mouth, creases in the forehead, and crow’s feet. It is made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring compound that can be used to treat moderate to severe wrinkles.

Benefits of Belotero®

Men and women choose Belotero® because of its quick application and nearly immediate effects! In addition, they remark that they feel the following benefits:

Look Years Younger

  • Improved Skin Texture And Tone
  • A Greater Sense Of Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem
  • Preparing For Belotero®
  • Belotero® Requires No Special Preparation, And Many People Undergo A Treatment During Their Lunch Hour. Because It Is Quick To Inject And With Almost Instant Effects, Patients Can Return To Work And Resume Normal Activities Right Away.

Belotero® Recovery

You may feel some minimal discomfort or tenderness at the injection site. As with any kind of injection, there may be a small bruise, temporary redness, or little bumps which can disappear quickly over a few days. The full effects of the injection can take up to a few weeks to develop, but many patients notice a difference right away. Belotero® treatments typically last 9 months.

Is Belotero® Right for Me?

If you are concerned about the look and symptoms of aging taking their toll on your face, Belotero® may be right for you. Dr. Shanthala can properly evaluate you as a possible candidate for Belotero® treatment.

How Much Does Belotero® Cost?

Costs for your Belotero® treatment will vary depending on the number of treatments needed to achieve your desired result. Most insurance plans do not cover plastic surgery or specific cosmetic treatments

What to Expect During Your Consultation

Dr. Shanthala will examine the treatment area and discuss your options when using Belotero®. She will cover the procedure and take the time to answer any questions or concerns you may have. He will craft a treatment plan including the number of Belotero® treatments and the areas to be injected so you’ll be able to look forward to your younger-looking skin with confidence and enthusiasm!

Dr. Shanthala Shivananjappa MD

Dr. Shanthala is a board-certified, Harvard trained anesthesiologist, assistant professor at Yale University, and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital prior to opening her cosmetic medicine clinic. Her extensive experience working with plastic surgical patients in the operating room for more than 25 years, paired with years of training in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, has enabled Dr. Shanthala to have a unique perspective on Anti-aging treatments.

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